what is the problem
Over 20.000 substances can be used in cosmetic products – thousands alone in skincare products.(Source: German Consumer Association)
2482 substances are banned from use in any cosmetic products in the European Union - these should not be used at all, but only few of us are aware of this fact. (Source: European Chemicals Agency)
More than 1000 good ingredients can effectively assist in handling different skin issues – and do not cause any harm.
why to use Aseiko
Fact: There are probably over 25.000 skincare products on the global market.(Source: Google)
Question: Which 3 or 4 of them are best for you?
You see, there are a lot of options and combinations, but hardly a clear orientation regarding skin care efficiency and ingredient transparency.
So, finding the right skincare products that will enhance your personal, natural beauty is a difficult, time consuming and costly task.
how Aseiko helps you
download the App you will be able immediately to:
✔️ quickly find recommendations for the skincare products that can really help you solve your skin concerns
✔️use our AI-based analysis and extensive database, which were developed to match your needs with those products made to solve exactly problems like yours
✔️ don’t worry about your privacy – we don’t need a full-face scan or tons of private data from you; only a few characteristics that will help us to match your needs with the right products
✔️ no advertisements – we won’t send you any unwanted post or advertisements; if you are in the app, you will find your right matches and become a satisfied customer by simply using the service
what else?
✔️ ingredient transparency and warning system if any controversial ingredients are included in the product, you’ve chosen
✔️ database with more than 1000 products – currently you can buy actively only a small part of them, but you see a lot more recommendations/products suggested
✔️ take Aseiko with you and ask for recommendations or check the products anytime and anywhere
✔️ be sure to consult Aseiko before buying new products online or in-store
✔️ stay in touch or find new friends via Aseiko’s In-App Messenger
🟢 How do I share my picture with Aseiko?You can take a picture of a half of your face by using the front camera of your smart phone. You can also upload one that was taken earlier the same day. Contrary to other similar solutions that are offered currently, Aseiko doesn't need a picture of your entire face (no selfies). You can stay anonymous showing her only a part of your beautiful face as in the example on the right. Why do you need share your picture? Aseiko is trained to recognize your skin type and especially, to classify your current facial skin condition; she quickly captures these and other, more specific data, in order to match it with the correct clean skincare products suitable for your personal needs; Aseiko works best for you if you want to save time and money while experiencing the products of organic, green and independent brands of various sizes from around the world. What Aseiko is not meant for, is to replace the advice of a specialized dermatologist or medical person, or to promise to analyze your skin thoroughly. This is possible, but it will take time and you will be asked to scan your entire face and answer a huge questionnaire! Not our goal - we want to save you time and money! The benefit of using Aseiko’s advice is the option to bring more variety into your (healthy) daily skincare routine. In addition, you can employ her extensive data regarding skincare products and go through a very specific and customized shopping experience, tailored to your personal needs, wishes and (possibly tiny) wallet. When taking the picture of your facial skin, you should pay attention to some important details: do not wear any makeup or skincare products and remove your glasses; take the picture using good exposure and in high resolution; if you wish, upload a previously taken close-up picture of your face; if you think it's difficult, ask a friend to assist you; Don’t worry if you need to try more than once - Aseiko is patient. She will wait until you like the picture you wish to share with her. Note that the higher the quality of your uploaded image, the better the classification of your current skin condition. Oh, one more thing: We kindly ask you to do not share selfies or "funny" pictures showing flowers, walls, animals or anything that isn't part of your face. It's funny, but it is not what you should expect Aseiko to know and classify correctly. 🤓 NO SELFIES REQUIRED ++ NO SELFIES REQUIRED ++ NO SELFIES REQUIRED ++ NO SELFIES REQUIRED ++ NO SELFIES REQUIRED ++ NO SELFIES REQUIRED ++ UPLOAD PICTURE OF A PART OF YOUR FACE ++ UPLOAD PICTURE OF A PART OF YOUR FACE ++ UPLOAD PICTURE OF A PART OF YOUR FACE ++ UPLOAD PICTURE OF A PART OF YOUR FACE
🟢 Why do I need to answer additional questions?Here is a short explanation: Let’s say, that your skin type and your skin condition are two different things. There are many factors which play an important role when it comes to our skin. Genetics is amongst some of the most significant ones. However, as time passes and we age, our facial skin takes into account many other internal and external factors such as climate, lifestyle habits, allergies, hormonal changes, etc. Dermatologists classify the human skin types into the following categories: normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin. Aseiko does it too. The only difference is, that Aseiko is trained to use an additional category, the so called ‘medical disorder’. In this category Aseiko recognizes acne prone skin, eczema, rosacea or other serious skin problems. By answering a few questions, you not only enable Aseiko to categorize your personal skin type, but also to consider other characteristics that may have a strong influence in regard to your personal needs for customized skin care. Aseiko is fed with a lot of data, which she is able to analyze and match very quickly.
🟢 What are 'my products' and how to see them?The large number of new indie brands and products worldwide is an amazing progress towards diversity and unlimited choices in skin care. Currently, customers can search, sort and order from thousands of products – all of them promising optimal results. Most, according to the brand’s own messages, are green, clean, organic, herbal, etc. and influencers produce 24/7 videos with instructions on how-to-apply a particular product, showing ‘unquestionable’ evidence for irresistible results. However, when you're in front of full shelves and just want to shop for your next daily moisturizer or exfoliator without getting itchy red skin after using it, choosing the right product becomes a major hurdle. If the only challenge was finding the right cosmetics that are best suited for our individual skin concerns and needs, we would be very happy and relaxed skincare consumers. But it is not. So, let the technology be useful and find an optimal solution for you. Aseiko was born with the mission to help in solving this problem and make the purchasing of skincare products an easily done process. Her output is a list with the products you need, recommended according to your individual needs. Of course you can search and sort the products as you wish, make your own purchase decision and take various criteria into account. Aseiko focuses exclusively on skin care. Thus, you won’t find any beauty products such as make-up or hair care, recommended by her. After the download of the Aseiko App, it takes only up to 3 minutes to get your individually recommended, reliable, most suitable and clean products for your specific skin concern - and another 2 minutes to purchase them if you wish! (please read below more about the products currently offered on Aseiko)
🟢 What means 'ingredient transparency'?You've already heard about clean, green or herbal cosmetics? These are trendy words, which appear on a lot of skin and personal care products. Short explanation: ‘Clean’ usually means the product is free of harmful ingredients such as parabens, phthalates, sulfates, formaldehyde and others; ‘green’ or also ‘natural’ stands for mostly plant-based ingredients, suggesting the product is free of chemical or other synthetic ingredients; ‘organic’ signalizes that the product includes ingredients sourced according to certain standards – but be aware of this point, because different countries have different regulations. There are, of course, several other labels for skincare products and ways for brands to point out certain product characteristics. For any non-specialist all these tags can be a bit confusing. But not for a ‘technology-based lady’ like Aseiko. She has been trained to analyze the data very quickly. Aseiko has already been thrown into the ‘jungle of ingredients’, and thanks to her remarkable algorithm-based memory, she can do for us what our human-brains are not able to do: collect, classify, match, track, read, analyze and recommend data within a short time. For us as customers, ingredient-transparency is our right. And in times of sustainability and organic production, consciousness regarding natural materials and the wish to avoid the unnecessary waste of resources, should be the most significant factor in making consumer decisions. Fortunately, a large number of brands offer meanwhile fantastic, clean and innovative products. Many are working continuously on new formulations with natural and synthetic ingredients or microbiomes, designing water-free products, creating high-concentrated serums or dedicating their researches on how to effectively decrease the number of used products. In addition, several international organizations test and certify cosmetic products worldwide (check COSMOS, f. e.). The certification ranges from approval of sourcing and ingredient analysis to storage and manufacturing, packaging and environmental management (source: COSMOS). This is a time-consuming and expensive process, and serves primarily the cosmetic companies. Having a product certified, however, doesn’t say much about single ingredients in the formulation or the level of potential harmfulness. Now, the technology helps and makes it much easier for end consumers to receive more than just the general information. Aseiko's algorithm is trained to distinguish between different types of product ingredients, to analyze and recognize when the formulation of a certain product includes controversial ingredients. Aseiko uses a "Traffic Light"-feature (similar to nutri-score), which is displayed on the left of every single product you might choose. Using the colours Green, Yellow and Red, Aseiko's traffic light-feature indicates for you the results of the ingredient analysis. Note: All products on Aseiko - either offered for sale or only suggested, have already been tested, approved or certified and they certainly meet the requirements for safety standards set by regulation authorities worldwide. This means, that even if a certain product is on "Red" on Aseiko, it still can be used without causing any problems. The indication (e. g. “Red”) shows you that the product includes some more controversial ingredients in its formulation, which may be harmful if you use it on long terms and/or can cause allergic reactions etc. There are not so many products like this example on Aseiko, the existence of which actually only confirms that Aseiko's analysis is working properly. However, if you have decided on such a product and are not sure if you really want to use it, simply go back to your personal product recommendation list and select another product to purchase.
🟢 Live advisory-sessions ‘Food-For-Skin’ and how to gain more natural glow?Natural beauty comes first and foremost from within – regardless of heritage, cultural differences and lifestyle. As the skin is our largest organ, we should ‘feed it’ correctly every day. Even the use of the best skincare products will not help very much if we do not support our skin from within. Most especially the correct diet and healthy nutritional ingredients, can help us to ‘put on our very best face’. Nutrition is indeed among the most influential factors, which decide whether to reward us with a glowing beautiful skin, or punish us with sagging, aging and/or even acne prone skin. Considering all facts, the Aseiko-team decided to support your daily skin care routine with an additional service. Thus, we offer you online advisory live-sessions, which deal with several topics and answer questions in regard to the use of ‘Food-For-Skin’. Due to the highly individual needs and differences in the nutritional and behavioral habits of our customers, it was very important for us to give a ‘human touch’ to this service and to hyper-personalize our Food-For-Skin support. For this purpose, a dedicated, experienced holistic therapist and nutritional advisor guides you into and during your Food-For-Skin journey. Smartly made changes in diet could help to accomplish amazing results – from relieving symptoms and improvement of the skin condition, to a possibly visible recovery from serious skin issues. By visiting the section Food-For-Skin on our website, you will find there all the advisory-packages that we currently offer. If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us – the first call is free of charge! If you are a healthy person, do not suffer from serious skin issues and you already know what your goals are for improving the condition of your skin with the amazing help of the nutrition, feel free to simply use our form to book your required online session. Sometimes, we just miss fulfilling a small point in our life style and/or nutritional habits and this can already decrease the level of our overall wellbeing. So, think about it and get in touch with our Human Advisor. If you are already feeling discomfort regarding your nutrition and skin condition (e.g. if you have any allergies, which could cause breakouts), you might wish to consider a change in your diet. In this case, you could plan more time and possibly book more than one session. After getting to know you, our Human Advisor will need some time to create your diet plan according to your personal requirements and also to follow up on the effect of your new dietary regime. In the case, that you wish to pleasantly surprise someone, simply order a gift card. When you are not completely sure which service will best suit the needs of your friend, relative or whomever you wish to make happy, use the complimentary initial call to get some short advice in advance. Our services address you as an individual and are personalized according to your specific needs and skin care concerns. Please note that the nutritional consultation sessions, consisting of dietary advice, vegan recipes and a holistic approach to skin health and natural beauty, DO NOT replace medical advice or serve as a professional medical check-up. Prior to beginning your session conversation with our ‘Human Advisor’, you are required to confirm our disclaimer. Currently, all advisory-sessions are offered in English. The scheduled session-times are shown in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Accepted payment method is PayPal. Go to the Food-For-Skin section and get in touch with us at any time if you have additional questions. Check out the Aseiko Blog for helpful tips and quick info on the best nutrients for glowing and healthy skin.
🟢 Why am I asked to grant different permissions to the Aseiko App when download and register?In order to use all features in Aseiko such as: uploading an image (part face) for the visual classification of your facial skin condition using the In-App Messenger to send messages or make video (camera) and voice calls (micro, contacts) purchasing products and sharing your address for the delivery (geo location) you need to grant rights to some permissions while installing the app. Those rights will be used actively only when you are using the app. You can restrict the permissions at any time and allow/activate them again when you re-open the app. This is how the screens look at your smart phone after you've downloaded Aseiko, confirmed your registration and opened the app. Note: Due to the significantly increased activity on our email account, you might need to check also your junk mail for the confirmation email from Aseiko. The above shown permission messages are the examples for German users.
🟢 What products can you find on Aseiko?Aseiko is a Skin Care Only platform. This means, that you will only find products that are meant to serve for personal skin care such as face creams, moisturizers, serums, essences, sunscreens, toners, exfoliators etc. as well as dietary supplements and tools designed to support your facial skin and make it glow from inside out through special rituals and massages. What you will not find on Aseiko are beauty and make-up products, body and hair care or perfumery. Nobody knows exactly how many products are currently offered in the global skin care market. Supposedly no one will ever be able to figure out an exact number. Customers have to deal with a wide variety of tens of thousands of individual products and constant new launches. You may have seen customers in a beauty or drug store more than once, or even found yourself in the same situation over and over again not knowing what to buy. 😤 🔥 🧴✨ This is exactly why we created Aseiko and developed her artificial mind to serve you and quickly give you recommendations for products made for your personal skin care needs without wasting much time searching for products. You can download and use the app at any time - online and on the go.